According to a new survey from the World Health Organization (WHO) published in mid-December 2024, around 846 million people worldwide (aged 15 to 49 years) are affected by genital herpes. This represents almost 1 in 5 people.
Genital herpes, an often silent disease (but which remains serious)
Genital herpes, what is it? Caused by a virus (usually the HSV-2 virus), this disease often remains silent: there are no symptoms, and the virus just remains hidden in the lymph nodes located near the infected area. However, its presence (even asymptomatic) is linked to a 3 times higher risk of contracting HIV. But in some people, genital herpes causes painful lesions and blisters near the genitals, which can recur in outbreaks throughout life. Furthermore, the HSV-2 virus can (more rarely) be responsible for neonatal herpes when it infects a pregnant woman: the baby then picks up the virus during delivery.
The condom is a satisfactory protection against herpes viruses
Please note: HSV-1, the oral herpes virus (which is responsible for the famous “cold sores”), can also be the cause of genital herpes. Unlike HSV-2, HSV-1 is spread primarily during childhood through saliva or skin-to-skin contact around the mouth. The WHO emphasizes that (…)
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