What happened in 1978? Hugues Amsler, the clown, acrobat and economist of the Goldoni family was born that year. According to his psychologist, he has Miltonitis (Milton Friedman received the Nobel Prize in economics in 1976). A disease which would be very widespread in this generation born at the end of the 70s and which the public is invited to discover in the show 1978 given on the Terral stage this Thursday November 28 by the inexhaustible storyteller, expert in psychological introspection and economic analysis that is Hugues Amsler.
The crises have been coming one after the other since the first oil shock, social and economic crises for everyone, teenage crises, couples’ crises, for most of us, nervous breakdowns and above all fits of laughter. For nearly two hours, his gesticulated confidences immerse the audience in his story. The moral of this story? Economics is a random science, both comical and unavoidable. A moment of tenderness, humor, laughter and emotions to discover as a family…
Midi Libre correspondent: 04 67 42 74 56
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