DayFR Euro

Eating Oats: 4 Health Benefits You Need to Know

1) On immunity

Oats contain a specific type of fiber called beta-glucan, “a complex carbohydrate with a “powerful stimulating effect on the immune system”as described by the French Federation of Cardiology (FFC);

2) On satiety

Always thanks to its fibers, which have the particularity of providing a lasting feeling of satiety. This is why oat flakes found, for example, in breakfast porridgeer, constitute an excellent strategy for making lunch without having to worry about the morning rush;

3) On intestinal transit

Fiber helps regulate intestinal transit and bad cholesterol levels, which fiber will help to reduce by limiting the absorption of fats by the body;

4) On blood sugar

Fiber will also promote its control, as it helps delay the absorption of glucose and therefore maintain more stable levels.

Favor homemade products

So many good points in preventing diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases. Beyond morning porridge – 30 to 40g of flakes – garnished with some fresh fruit depending on the season, you can also eat oats in cereal bars, pancakes and even pancakes. All of course to cook yourself at home, to ensure the freshness of the products, as well as their composition.

How smoking makes the flu worse

Source: Destination Santé



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