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Médéa: delivery of the Ouzera anti-cancer center at the end of 2024

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The Ouzera (Médéa) anti-cancer center will be delivered at the end of the current year, announced on Saturday the Minister of Health, Abdelhak Saihi, specifying that this specialized health infrastructure will have a regional vocation.

“The care of cancer patients from the wilaya of Médéa and other wilayas of the country is set to be further improved thanks to the reception, at the end of December 2024, of the anti-cancer creel (CAC) of Ouzera which records a progress rate of works estimated at more than 80%,” indicated the minister, on the sidelines of an inspection visit to the project in question.

Mr. Saihi affirmed that the CAC of Ouzera will have a regional vocation and will contribute to unclogging the specialized structures for the care of cancer patients located in the center of the country (Algiers and Blida) and will accommodate, once in operation, patients from different regions of the country.

In addition to the treatment of adult cancer patients, the future Ouzera CAC will also specialize in the treatment of certain types of cancerous tumors that affect children, as is currently the case for the Bab-El-Oued anti-cancer center (Algiers). ), said the Minister of Health.

Noting the improvement in health coverage, he added that “the public health promotion program initiated several years ago has enabled the creation of numerous medical centers, such as those of Adrar, Tindouf, Tamenrasset, Bejaia and Tlemcen, to be reinforced, soon, by the Médéa medical center which has benefited from a set of health establishments capable of helping to ensure better care for patients,” he said.

With a capacity of 120 beds, the CAC of Ouzera will also house surgery, cardiology and another department for medical emergencies with the aim of making it a medical center capable of providing a multitude of medical care and treatments for the inhabitants of the wilaya and other regions of the country.

Mr. Saihi proceeded, during his trip to Médéa, to lay the first stone of the construction project of a “mother and child” complex in the capital of the wilaya over an area of ​​four hectares. The future establishment will have a capacity of 120 beds, according to explanations provided by the design office in charge of this project.

This health infrastructure is made up of operating theaters, intensive care units, delivery rooms, a nursery, medical analysis laboratories, a pharmacy and medical imaging rooms.

Other blocks, reserved for gynecological, obstetric, neonatological, pediatric surgery and medical emergencies, are also planned within this complex, the completion deadline for which is set at 26 months.



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