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Here is the activity favored by neuropsychologists to preserve your memory to adopt immediately

Remembering everything is almost an impossible mission and age does not help the situation. Indeed, at a certain age, memory plays tricks on us and we forget a lot. To preserve memory, some neuropsychologists recommend practicing a simple activity, which we reveal to you.

The memory at a certain age is volatile, that is, it becomes difficult to remember everything. Although it is used every day, memory can play tricks on us when we least expect it. To preserve it effectively and help you keep your souvenirs intact, scientists have explored different avenues. Indeed, according to studies carried out by neuropsychologists, practicing a particular activity would be beneficial for improving memory in the same way that consuming nuts is for extending life expectancy. Zoom in on this activity that will change your life.

A fun and easy habit to adopt


Brain specialists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology carried out a test on around twenty young people. The latter had to transcribe around fifteen words by drawings, by hand writing or by typing on a computer keyboard. Throughout the test, the electrical activity of their brain was assessed via a electroencephalogram. The results of the study were published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology and the experts explain that a synchronized activity theta bands of the brain were recorded during the creation of the drawings and the writing of the letters by hand. Unfortunately, the result was not satisfactory in terms of typing, reports Psychology.

Attention and memory challenges

A psychologist explains that the memory loss in some people are due to attention problems. For example, if you have a habit of forgetting where you put your keys, this may be an attention problem. To avoid this, regularly visualize new information and test your memory to improve your recall. Similarly, do a shopping list and try to remember it without looking it up in the store. This exercise helps boost cognitive abilities every day.

Reading novels and memory games

Understanding fiction involves continuous reading and this encourages brain activity and memorization of the smallest details. Indeed, by reading detective or romantic novels, your memory works without you having to make the slightest effort to the extent that you will be demystifying each chapter. This ability helps maintain your memory. Additionally, playing memory games like chess, question and answer games or bridge allows the memory to retain and actively manipulate information. Furthermore, for the health of your brain, You can also do physical activity like gardening or walking.

Other Ways to Improve Memory Without Effort

Beware of technology

With l’technological innovationwe have become addicted to digital devices. Although they are useful for learning new things, excessive use harms our memorization skills. A neuropsychologist warns against a technological distortionthat is, storing data on devices. For him, this practice reduces our ability to memorize information. It is not about banning technological tools, but about moderating their daily use for the good health of our brain.

Assessment of level of concern

L’oversight is in no way a crime, it can happen to anyone without needing to be alarmed. In fact, you can forget where you parked your vehicle. However, not remembering how you got to the parking lot should worry.

Consultation of a specialist

Memory may be affected as a result of a depression. Indeed, a negative emotional state is likely to impair the capacity of the memory to remember happy eventstreats depression and contributes to the gradual restoration of memory.


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