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Fair, show, outings… what do the schools of Issoire offer to celebrate the arrival of the summer holidays?

Shows, fairs, presentation of work, or all three… To celebrate the end of the school year, the schools of Issoire (Puy-de-Dôme) are doubling their inventiveness.

This Tuesday late afternoon, the doors of Animatis opened a little earlier than usual. That day, there was no play or dance show, it was a school in Issoire that booked the cultural venue. So here were 75 students from the Centre elementary school in front of parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters performing songs learned throughout the year. “We were lucky to have had a musical instructor from the Agglo Pays d’Issoire to accompany us. A common thread that created a real dynamic,” recalls Rachel Girardin, director. This show announcing the end of the school year was also “a very moving moment,” adds the manager.

A festive moment

There was also emotion on June 18, still in Animatis. This time, it was the Pré-Rond kindergarten which had reserved the premises for… a traditional dance ball. “We have been inviting the Les Brayauds group for two years, and each time, it is a strong moment, underlines Anaïs Fantozzi, director. Seeing all these families, whatever their background or social category, stand by the hand and dancing, it’s beautiful.” If the event allows both to end the school year with a festive moment, while creating links between families, it also allows us to collect some money thanks to the sale of drinks and the organization of a raffle conducted by parents of students.The schoolchildren from the Center took to the stage of Animatis.
The end of the year at Barrière elementary school was an opportunity to take over the music school auditorium. “We performed a musical tale for which we worked all year with a speaker from the Agglo Pays d’Issoire,” explains Agnès Tournebize, director. The event continued with the screening of a film in which the school children were actors as well as a friendly moment with the parents.

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The concert by Rachel Girardin’s students also allowed them to sell programs, made by the students, which were used to pay the royalties to Sacem (Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers) and also to offer a bouquet of flowers to the speaker. “The surplus will be used for other events.”

Fairs as “parentheses of humanity”

At the Barrière nursery school, the director, Sébastien Dubois, loves these moments which enliven his establishment in the last weeks of the school year: “We presented the children’s work to the parents then organized a fair with around ten stands. ” This moment was carried by the educational team, but the parents played a vital role. “They run the stands, bake cakes and take care of the raffle. So we can raise funds to buy equipment or organize outings.” But more than the material aspect, the teacher sees suspended moments in these fairs.

I consider this to be parentheses of humanity. Moments where everyone mixes, with joy. It’s a bit like Children’s Island!

Happiness shared by the Faubourg school where all the classes met for the first time this year in the courtyard, for the children’s show. “Then, we each had a fair,” comment Véronique Pommeyrol (nursery) and Christophe Vezon (elementary). “With the help of the town hall, we have a podium and banners, which gives a nice touch.” A collective celebration that brings together and allows you to see the school in another way for an afternoon.

Children can experience the playground in a different way.
This is also why Carole Ferrand, at the Murat nursery school, opens the doors of her structure to parents, before the summer holidays. “Between 5 and 7 p.m., we welcome families to show the children’s work, but also to present songs, dances or nursery rhymes.” The visit then turns into a snack where parents bring pastries and the school offers drinks. “This allows us to exchange in a different way.” A habit also taken up at the Centre nursery school.

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The Pré-Rond school has changed its format somewhat this year. “We welcome people to exhibit their work, and the students will perform songs,” summarizes Mireille Bourgne, the director. A shortened format compared to the June 2023 festival: “Parents had set up a fair with stands and entertainment. It was great. We were even able to collect €600 for the life of the school.” So, to mark this closing event of the school year with a white stone, the director is trying to motivate parents of students to form an association.

Active associations

In Sévigné, the Free Parents’ Association has been supporting the structure in these activities for a number of years. Today, a show will be performed by the schoolchildren while around fifteen stands will be set up for the sixteen classes. Duck fishing, blowguns, pony rides… There will be something for everyone. “There are nine of us in the association, but the parents help us a lot. Without them, nothing would be possible,” thanks Marie-Line Lapeyre, president of Apel. A well-established organization which allows volunteers to multiply activities such as the Christmas market, the group sale of madeleines or chocolates and even the rice bowl action.

At the end of year fair alone, we were able to donate more than €3,000 which was used to redo the school grounds and install new games at Place d’Espagne.

Within the Bizaleix elementary school, a new association has appeared since January: the Bizaleix Secular Association. “My husband and I said to ourselves that it was a shame that there was no APE. So, we talked with the director who thought the idea was good,” explains Maryline Aime, the president. of the association which sets the objective of organizing a school celebration each year. So, on June 21, for the first time in 13 years, Bizaleix found this moment again with great happiness.Under construction, the future Bizaleix school group could well already have its APE.
Around twenty stands, music, refreshment bar, raffle and even pizza sales in the evening… the event was complete and allowed us to have a good time, while raising money which will allow us to participate in future outings or events .

A new secular association in Bizaleix

After this successful first, the Bizaleix Secular Association would like to launch a real dynamic that can support the opening of the future school group in the neighborhood, at the start of the 2025 school year.

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An ambition that cannot be achieved without the active participation of parents. “They are, like teachers, often very involved,” assures Jonathan André, director of education at the municipality of Issoire. A guarantee of success so that these end-of-year celebrations leave good memories for children… as well as for adults.

Jean-Baptiste Botella


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