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seniors are the first exposed to danger

Summer is officially here, after a succession of cool temperatures and heavy rains. If this period delights some, others, notably seniors are the first exposed to danger. Yes, but why? What precautions should be taken? Answers in this article.

The impacts of heatwave on seniors

The consequence of high heat in seniors is dehydration. You must understand that when the temperature is above 37°, the body produces more sweat to dissipate heat and maintain the body’s natural functioning. Now, as you know, this sweat must be compensated by water.

Generally, water consumption is driven by the feeling of thirst. But the situation is slightly different in older people since they do not necessarily have this desire. This mechanism often intervenes with a certain delay.

It should also be noted that Sweating disorders are more pronounced in seniorsUnlike young people, they produce less sweat. Consequently, they adapt their bodies very little to increases in temperature.

Heatwave and the elderly: precautions to take

To avoid feelings of discomfort, It is strongly recommended to close curtains and shutters between 10am and 6pm. Thus, these two elements can act as a barrier against the sun’s rays which, captured by the window, cause the temperature to increase at high speed. Also make it a habit to close all doors inside so that hot air cannot circulate from one room to another.

Ensuite, To let the heat out of the walls, don’t hesitate to open the windows very early in the morning. This technique allows you to ventilate the home. You can adopt this tip in the evening to create a draft. Also remember to use the right device that will bring freshness into your home. The fan, for example, is the most recommended. To maximize your comfort throughout the day, the ceiling model is your best ally.

To absorb heat, you have the possibility of creating humidity by mopping the floor in the middle of the dayfor example. Some people also choose to hang their laundry indoors during hot weather.

Furthermore, It is always better not to go out between 11am and 3pm. However, if you have to, wear light, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Don’t forget your hat. Bring a water bottle or flask to keep you hydrated. Be careful with very sugary drinks or those with a high caffeine content.

Finally, to reduce heat emissions, be sure to unplug devices such as boxes, video game consoles, computers, etc. At the same time, this will allow you to save a lot of energy.


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