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How to take care of your prostate?

Before knowing how to preserve it, it is important to redefine what the prostate is and what its role is in the male body.

What is the role of the prostate?

This is a gland located just below the bladder and is of crucial importance in the male reproductive system. The prostatic fluid produced by this gland contains enzymes, minerals and proteins essential for sperm.

With age or predisposition, disorders that affect the comfort of life, health and sexual pleasure of men may appear:

  • benign prostatic hypertrophy, often called BPH, refers to a non-tumorous enlargement of the gland but which can cause urinary problems;
  • prostatitis is an inflammation that causes swelling and pain;
  • cancer, which is one of the most common cancers in men. As the High Authority for Health (HAS) points out, 44% of prostate cancers are diagnosed after the age of 75. Early testing and screening can detect it more quickly and provide effective treatment.

As with many other pathologies, it is the content of the plate and daily physical activities that reduce the risk of developing disorders. Less animal fats, less refined sugar, less dairy products, no tobacco or alcohol are among the main recommendations. Exercising regularly, even walking, helps reduce inflammation and promotes blood circulation. Prefer activities that put little or no pressure on the pelvic region.

In addition to these simple tips to implement in a daily or weekly routine, you also have the option of supplementing yourself with a dietary supplement for the prostate. In capsule form, these products act on vigor and sexual vitality, while preserving urinary functions. Thanks to nutrients, minerals and plant extracts, food supplements also stimulate testosterone production and libido. To reap all the benefits, be sure to select capsules containing pumpkin seed extracts, known for their action on prostate hypertrophy, as well as Serenoa serrulata, from the dwarf palm tree, which would be particularly recommended to fight against prostate diseases. Remember that they do not replace any medicinal treatment in the event of a pathology and that their consumption must remain preventive, as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Finally, think about screening! From the age of 50, carry out an annual check-up with your doctor to check the PSA dosage (a substance which is secreted by this gland) to rule out any doubt concerning prostate cancer. In most cases, this cancer is asymptomatic!


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