Faced with the realities of social, professional and marital life, some people fall into depression. What is depression? How does it manifest? The answers in this interview with Dr Yéri Pélagie Kaboré.
Lefaso.net: What is depression?
Dr Yéri Pélagie Kaboré: Depression is a psychological state (soul disorder) characterized by episodes of low mood accompanied by several other symptoms such as low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating or memorizing , more or less significant weight loss or gain, sleep disorders such as insomnia or hypersomnia as well as a loss of pleasure or interest (anhedonia) in activities usually felt as pleasant by the person. We also speak of depressive disorder.
How does it manifest?
The symptoms of depression include, among others, a feeling of great sadness, discouragement, despair, an anxious or irritable mood, difficulty feeling pleasure, motivation or even interest which can lead to isolation. , significant weight loss or gain as a result of Hyporexia or bulimia, a sleep disorder such as insomnia or hypersomnia, loss of energy or severe fatigue, psychomotor agitation or slowing down, negative thoughts that occupy daily life, the reduction in the ability to think and concentrate, or even indecision, recurring thoughts of wanting to die and plans or attempts at suicide.
Is there a difference between depression and distress?
There are several differences between depression and distress. We will talk about duration. Distress is temporary but depression is a functioning that evolves over time.
What can cause depression?
Depression results from a complex interaction of social, psychological and biological factors. Challenges such as unemployment, bereavement, trauma and pressure at work are factors that contribute to depression.
Can depression lead to madness?
Madness is a psychological disorder that can induce a depressive state.
In a professional environment, how can you avoid falling into depression or distress?
You have to love what you do. Have time to relieve work-related stress in a healthy way, and avoid overload at work.
As a couple, how can we ensure that the other's behavior does not affect our mental health?
Knowing the temperament and personality of your partner allows you to know how they function. Communication is very important in a relationship. Knowing how to express your feelings and your discomfort. Spend time listening to your spouse. And know his love language to speak it to him.
How to have good mental health?
To have good mental health, it is important to manage your stress daily through relaxation techniques such as massaging the temples and nerve endings, three-second breathing, meditation, doing what you love, having time to yourself, have time to rest and have quality sleep.
What advice can you give to Burkinabè people to preserve their mental health?
You must consult at least one psychologist per year. You need to determine your strengths and weaknesses. You need to set realistic goals. You need to take time off and practice relaxation techniques regularly.
Interview conducted by Rama Diallo
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