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Why mosquito bites itch and cause pimples

IThere are approximately 3,500 species of mosquitoes distributed throughout the world (except Antarctica). Mosquitoes play certain ecological roles, they are part of the food chain by serving as prey or predator; and they play a role in pollination by transporting pollen from one plant to another. They can also carry serious diseases to humans and other animals, which can have adverse consequences for public health.

Adult male and female mosquitoes feed on flower nectar to find a source of energy. However, the female needs additional blood to obtain proteins necessary for the maturation of her eggs. The mosquito does not only bite humans, but depending on its preferences it can bite birds, domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, and even snakes. Some species have specific preferences for types of blood sources and feed exclusively on one type of vertebrate, while others are less selective and may feed on various hosts, depending on their availability.

Mosquito saliva

To bite us, the female mosquito has a biting-sucking apparatus composed of specialized mouthparts which allow them to pierce the skin of vertebrates, locate the blood capillary and suck the blood once the wall of the vessel is perforated. She will take from us 5 to […] Read more


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