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A league against obesity to get help and break down taboos

There is a league against obesity with the first piece of good news: no taboo. For obesity as for everything else, it is very important not to be ashamed to talk about your problems.

This League against obesity is also here to listen to you if you are concerned or if one of your loved ones is. There is therefore a unique and free number, the 04 48 206 206, you can also send an email [email protected]

And here we will help you:

  • SOCIAL SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE IN YOUR CARE PATHWAYif you feel helpless in your daily activities.
  • LEGAL SUPPORT, DISCRIMINATION, GROSSOPHOBIAif your questions relate to a legal problem, the League against obesity is a partner of the Paris Solidarity Bar.

We can take advantage of these services, this help, but can we also get involved in this association as a volunteer?

If the subject is close to your heart, if you have been affected, if you want to get involved, the association also needs support.

You will be able to take part in events for the general public or professionals, raise awareness, carry out prevention, or even screening.


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