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Drug dependence: these precautions to take to avoid being trapped

Fentanyl is currently wreaking havoc in the United States.

This medication contains opioids and is prescribed to relieve pain.

In Hello! La Matinale TF1, Vincent Valinducq talks to us about widespread opioids such as codeine, morphine or tramadol.

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Good morning ! The Morning TF1

You suffer from back pain and despite taking a paracetamol tablet, the pain does not go away. The doctor may sometimes prescribe a stronger medication and this may include opioids. Among the best known and most widespread, we find codeine, opium powder, morphine or tramadol. The latter is the most prescribed opioid in France. Doctor Vincent Valinducq warns of the dangers of these drugs in Bonjour! La Matinale TF1.

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Medications that cause dependence

Opioids act on a certain type of receptor in our brain and block the pain signal. Problem is, these are the same receptors used by endorphin, namely the happiness hormone. As a result, the receptors are somewhat disrupted, particularly at the level of the reward circuit, with serious health risks, notably dependence and overdoses which can lead to death. Furthermore, these risks are added to the already known adverse effects such as digestive disorders.

Is paracetamol dangerous?

This medication alone is not addictive. On the other hand, it is the leading cause of liver transplant of medicinal origin in France, according to the French Observatory of Analgesic Medicines. Indeed, in the long term, an overdose of paracetamol can cause serious damage to the liver. Some medications also contain paracetamol and codeine or paracetamol and tramadol.

Precautions to take to avoid overdoses

If a doctor prescribes a particular medicine, it is for a good reason. This means that the medicine is useful and effective in treating the pathology. In addition, each doctor prescribes a dosage and treatment, so it is essential to follow the instructions. Patients must respect the dose, the time of taking it, the duration of treatment. Above all, we avoid self-medication and before taking a medicine, we always ask our doctor or the pharmacy for advice.



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