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According to Japanese researchers, regularly consuming this very inexpensive food extends life expectancy

Food plays a much more important role than we might sometimes think in extending life expectancy. And for good reason, what we eat greatly influences our health, both positively and negatively. To live as long as possible, It is therefore essential to pay particular attention to the contents of our plates, making sure to favor foods that are good for us.

A recent study carried out by Japanese researchers and relayed by Doctissimo highlights the positive impact of a very specific category of foods on our health and therefore on our life expectancy. Their work suggests that it would be particularly beneficial to very regularly consume small whole fish, such as baret, smelt, sardines or capelingiven that in addition to being inexpensive, these would also be beneficial in extending life expectancy.

Eating small fish regularly reduces the risk of mortality

In order to reach such a conclusion, scientists carried out a large experiment with no less than 80,802 people aged 35 to 69, including 34,555 men and 46,247 women. For nine years, the researchers not only assessed the frequency of their consumption of small fish, but also observed their lifestyle and state of health. The result: they noted a drop in mortality, from all causes and from cancer, among participants who regularly consumed small fish. Note that this association was much more significant in women.

“The risk of all-cause and cancer mortality among men showed a similar trend to that of women, although it was not statistically significant. The reasons (…) are not clear, but the researchers suggest that the limited number of male subjects or other factors not measured in the study, such as portion sizes of small fish, may also be a factor, researchers say. of cancer mortality between sexes may be linked to a sex-specific association”we can read in the report.

What are the health benefits of small fish?

In any case, the benefits of these small fish, often eaten fried, have been known for a long time. These are an excellent source of essential nutrients. It contains high-quality proteins, particularly important for tissue repair and growth, omega-3 fatty acids known for their beneficial effects on cardiovascular and cerebral health, and vitamins and various minerals (vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, iron and iodine).

The omega-3 fatty acids found in these fish help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Regular consumption of small fish may also be associated with a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, thanks to their anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.

Among the small, healthy fish that are inexpensive and easily found in markets and supermarkets, we find for example:

  • Sardines : excellent for cardiovascular and bone health
  • The mackerels : good for the heart and cognitive health
  • Anchovies : good for bones and the immune system
  • Atlantic capelins : contribute to cardiovascular health and proper brain functioning
  • Smelts : good for bone and muscle health
  • Herrings : improve cardiovascular and immune health

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