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Screening: when will Trod HIV, hepatitis and dengue fever be available in pharmacies? – 06/24/2024 – News

The president of the Union of Community Pharmacists’ Unions (USPO), Pierre-Olivier Variot, says he is continuing to negotiate for new Trods to be included in pharmacists’ care arsenal: “ HIV and hepatitis Trod can be performed with us. For the moment, we can only offer self-tests to patients who suspect HIV contamination. This is absurd, I prefer to offer Trod and take care of the patient if the result turns out to be positive rather than leaving them to deal with the result on their own. »

The HIV Trod, which provides a result in less than 30 minutes, is currently carried out in free information, screening and diagnosis centers (CeGIDD) as well as in certain authorized associations such as the NGO Aides. Some associative structures even offer a combined HIV-HCV (hepatitis C) Trod.

Trod CRPs for better delivery

Another Trod requested for a long time by the USPO, the CRP test making it possible to detect C-reactive protein in the blood and thus to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial infection. “ This Trod will help us to qualify the infection and decide whether or not to dispense an antibiotic, not only for tonsillitis but for any type of infection. »

Dengue Trod for the Olympic Games?

Finally, to prepare for the influx of population where dengue is endemic during the Olympic Games, dengue Trod could be put in place. “ Subject to favorable conditions, pharmacists could also take on this mission without any difficulty. », Explain Philippe Besset, president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France (FSPF) and Pierre-Olivier Variot. Since the fall of 2023, dengue Trods have already been implemented in Guyana, Martinique and Guadeloupe.


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