In France, more than 3 million people suffer from COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and at least 20,000 die from it. To inform you about this still little-known pathology (prevention, screening, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, etc.), we invite you to discover “Activ’ ton souffle!” The info mag – COPD Special”, an information program with three programs on COPD, and an awareness message on the importance of supporting the Fondation du Souffle and its actions in favor of research and prevention.
1. COPD and women
Summary of the first broadcast:
Léa’s question: “I thought COPD only affected men who had smoked for a long time and not women? Is this true? “, the response from Professor Bruno Crestani, pulmonologist at the Bichat Claude-Bernard AP-HP hospital (Paris) and president of the Fondation du Souffle; the testimony of Marianne, a patient with COPD; interview with Professor Camille Taillé, pulmonologist at Bichat Claude Bernard AP-HP Hospital (Paris).
2. Screening
Summary of this second broadcast:
Adrien’s question: ” Good morning. As COPD cannot be cured, I would like to know why it is necessary to detect it early? “, the response from Professor Bruno Crestani, pulmonologist at the Bichat Claude-Bernard AP-HP hospital (Paris) and president of the Fondation du Souffle; the testimony of Alain, Eric’s partner, who died of COPD; interview with Professor Nicolas Roche, head of the pulmonology department at the Cochin AP-HP Hospital (Paris).
3. Research
Summary of this third broadcast:
Damien’s question: ” Good morning. Where is research against COPD, and has it really helped patients in recent years? “, the response from Professor Bruno Crestani, pulmonologist at the Bichat Claude-Bernard AP-HP hospital (Paris), and President of the Fondation du Souffle; interview with Dr Maeva Zysman, pulmonologist at Bordeaux University Hospital; interview with Professor Pascal Chanez, head of the pulmonology department at the Nord Hospital in Marseille and president of the Scientific Council of the Du Souffle Foundation.
The Breath Foundation
“Respiratory diseases are the 3th cause of mortality in France. Help the Fondation du Souffle invest in research and prevention. Donate. Fondation du Souffle: Give, seek, breathe! »
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