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Women are having the wrong breast treated… because of medical advances

Scar – Several patients were victims of laterality errors during their radiotherapy treatment

In medical jargon, this is called a “laterality error”. In reality, these very rare events are very difficult to live with for those who are victims. By trusting their doctor, their oncologist, their radiotherapist and all the practitioners around them, these sick people do not imagine for a second that they could be victims of such an obvious error, when the caregiver wrong side on the body. And yet. In recent years, “laterality errors” have been on the increase, warns the Nuclear Safety Authority.

The first victims are often women suffering from breast cancer, and who undergo multiple radiotherapy sessions… on the wrong breast. How are such errors possible? And why is ASN warning of their resurgence? According to specialists contacted by 20 Minutesthe reasons could be found in medical progress. This seems strange to you. Not so much.

Our file on breast cancer

At the beginning of 2024, a woman received 20 sessions of radiotherapy in the wrong breast at the Burgundy Cancer Institute, in . A few weeks later, a patient suffered the same trauma at the greater Montpellie cancer center(…) Read more on 20minutes

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