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Near Cholet, theater and debate around Alzheimer’s disease

To approach Alzheimer’s disease with tenderness and humor, the Théâtre & Co troupe, based in Torfou (Sèvremoine), is offering a new play entitled When memory loses its mind.

“The piece was composed based on an experience lived by two sisters and a brother who accompanied their mother suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, explains its author Damien Droillard. It’s about highlighting and sharing the daily lives of older children when they find themselves in the situation of having to become the parents of their own parent. » A very human piece between sadness and cheerfulness, agreements and disagreements, responsibility and guilt.

The performance, which lasts 1 hour 15 minutes, will be followed by a discussion around questions from the public, moderated by Dr Sylvie Olivier, geriatrician specializing in memory consultations, in Cholet and Torfou.

La Maison Moreau, future housing for vulnerable people

This doctor is also at the head of a vast project. “With a dozen members, we created the Anne and Syméon gerontological association in 2022, based in Yzernay. Our goal is to create shared and supported housing, at the Moreau center, for people weakened by Alzheimer’s disease but still sufficiently autonomous by being supervised, she announces. The structure will retain the historic name of Maison Moreau. »

The project is also supported by the ADMR Maucernay, a home help association covering the municipalities of Maulévrier, Les Cerqueux and Yzernay, confronted daily with vulnerable people.

Motivated around the same Alzheimer theme, these three structures are working together to present two sessions to raise awareness among families and caregivers: “We want to disseminate the information now so that everyone can remember the dates and make the theme their own. »

Tuesday September 17, at 8 p.m., Saint-Georges room, in Yzernay.

Saturday September 21, at 3:30 p.m., Salle du Cormier, in Les Cerqueux.

Free entry, donations possible on site.


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