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Daily physical activity for residents of the Vic-Fezensac nursing home

the essential
A varied program of outings is offered to members of the accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people in Vic-fezensac.

Véronique Glaziou, facilitator at the Robert-Barguisseau accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) in Auch, took some residents to the ball organized by the Vicois rugby club. The club organizes a ball every Thursday afternoon with an orchestra, a popular ball which is enormously successful. Véronique Glaziou with two guides, including occupational therapist Gwenaëlle Devroote and sports coach Sandrine Condamine.

Gwenaëlle Devroote tries to give people as much autonomy as possible in the activities of daily life, in particular meals, washing and traveling. This occupational therapist was previously in a rehabilitation and psychiatry center.

Sandrine Condamine, the sports coach, is originally from Cantal and has just settled in Gers. After a degree in science and technology in physical and sports activities (STAPS), she had a master’s degree in ergonomics. Its role is to maintain residents’ existing abilities and get them to practice physical activity on a daily basis, such as walking and many other things.

Many activities

In this nursing home, there are several sectors: the autonomous sector and the Alzheimer’s sector. The stakeholders had decided on this location for several reasons: “Our residents like to dance, like music. It brings back very good memories for them. The music played by the orchestra is traditional tunes that they know well. But, they like everything.”

Véronique Glaziou, the facilitator, offers them activities related to their files and in particular to what the residents wish to do: “I have to offer them new activities, such as having brought a concert artist to the nursing home of Condom”. The better the weather, the more outings are scheduled. Petanque tournaments are also on the calendar. Tuesday June 25, an outing is planned for a picnic in Lupiac and then visit the d’Artagnan museum. Tuesday July 2, they will go to Castéra-Verduzan to practice pedal boats. For the workers, these are summer activities.


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