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Mayotte: a new outbreak of cholera detected

Some 28 additional cases of cholera were recorded in Mayotte over a week, bringing the total number of cases to 166 according to the latest assessment carried out by Public Health France on Friday June 14. Two thirds of them are under 25 years old.
If no new case of cholera has been noted in Koungou since June 6, a new outbreak has been detected in the commune of Mamoudzou, more precisely in the district of Tsoundzou where eight cases have been reported in seven days. The second outbreak in Mamoudzou is located in Passamainty with 29 patients identified since the detection of the first in the department on March 18.
“During the week of June 5 to 11, five indigenous cases without links to known epidemic outbreaks were recorded in four different locations, including three located in the commune of Mamoudzou,” writes the structure in charge of health monitoring.
“The department has six outbreaks of community transmission of cholera, three of which are still active,” she continues, noting that the majority of cases recorded in recent days have been in Mamoudzou. And to recall that “these are people living in precarious neighborhoods with difficulties in accessing drinking water and poor sanitation, favoring the spread of the disease”.
According to Public Health France, the department is still subject to a risk of transmission throughout the territory.
Since the start of the epidemic in Mayotte, 14 serious cases have required intensive care and two deaths have been recorded. “A third death that cannot be attributed to cholera was recorded in a probable case,” specifies Public Health France.

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