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Bescat: a weekend to reconnect with life

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The speakers and producers present will debate the interest and pitfalls of a new agroecological model based on the restoration of soil life, with in perspective the production of healthy food that has a positive impact on our health and favors local and short circuits. , guarantees of sustainability and food autonomy.

Beginning at 2 p.m., the conference program for Saturday June 22 promises to be exciting with recognized personalities such as Marc Dufumier, French agronomist and teacher-researcher (2:30 p.m.), Michel Duru, research director at the National Research Institute for agriculture, food and the environment (3:30 p.m.), Philippe Berthélémy, hospital practitioner in hepato-gastroenterology at the Pau hospital (5 p.m.) and Guy Di Méo, professor emeritus at the Universities of Pau and Bordeaux (6 p.m.).

Eat local

Catering on site with the “La Régalotte” food truck and, around 9:30 p.m., a jazz concert will be hosted by Antoine Perrut on saxophone and Nils Frechilla on guitar.

Sunday June 23, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., a Earth market will offer local products in the “Slow Food” spirit. The “La Curieuse” bookstore will have a literary stand and a fresco will be created with the “La Prairie des Possibilities” association.

At 10 a.m., activities for children and their parents will be offered around sourdough bread prepared and baked on site, sheep cheese and greuil, followed at midday by catering provided by Slow Food Béarn volunteers.

The afternoon will be devoted to debates on local eating with Quentin Guillon and market producers (2 p.m.) and on the future of the vine with winegrowers from Jurançon and a guest from Corbières (4 p.m.). At 6 p.m., an aperitif in support of the association will close the weekend.

FREE ENTRANCE. Program available on the Slow Food Béarn website.

An association founded in 2001

Slow Food Béarn is the local version of the international “Slow Food” movement created in 1989 in Italy by Carlo Pétrini and today represented in around 160 countries. It defends the recognition of the central role of food, food production and consumption systems that are more respectful of people, the environment and local areas, the search for good, clean and fair food quality, the safeguarding of traditional knowledge and know-how such as summer sheep cheese, greuil, etc.
Slow Food Béarn was founded in 2001 on the initiative of Charles Hours and Gilbert Dalla Rosa by bringing together winegrowers and other farmers, teachers, restaurateurs and food artisans, medical staff, gastronomes… all concerned about eating properly.
Alongside the original themes of the international movement, Slow Food Béarn, like the recent concept of global health “One Health”, considers it important to emphasize the links between soil life, biodiversity, our food and animal and human health.


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