DayFR Euro

“It remains a taboo”: six out of ten men experience erection problems

The problem is that the subject still remains taboo. “Only 30% of men with erectile dysfunction seek medical help. Some people may feel embarrassed at first, they don’t dare talk to their doctor about it, they are always a little ashamed, because it is a very intimate subject. It is important to normalize the conversation on this subject. Many patients are relieved to be able to talk about it openly and eventually realize that it is a normal part of life.”

According to Dr Catherine Solano, erectile dysfunction before the age of 50 should be considered as an alarm signal for the risk of heart attack and stroke, requiring a cardiovascular assessment. “It is important to talk to your doctor to adjust any possible treatment. Psychological causes, such as stress, resumption of sexual activity after a period of abstinence or overconsumption of pornography, may also be at play.

What solutions to reconnect with pleasure?

To regain a quality erection, Dr Catherine Solano recommends taking care of your lifestyle and consulting a sexologist in the event of problems. Treatments are available to maintain a fulfilling sex life at any age. A new solution, Eroxon® Stimgel*, is an erectile stimulating gel for adults (18 years and older) suffering from erectile dysfunction. This topical, non-prescription gel helps achieve an erection in 10 minutes and can be applied by the patient or his/her partner. It requires sexual arousal to be effective and may take several tries.


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