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this aromatic herb relieves hot flashes and stimulates memory

Looking for tips to help you cope with the symptoms of menopause? An aromatic herb relieves hot flashes and even stimulates memory.

Menopause can cause many symptoms: fatigue, weight gain, irritation, sleep problems, etc. The best known of these is hot flashes. 14 foods help reduce them and lose weight. A No. 1 essential oil allows you to be in better health during this period. As for abdominal fat, there are tips to get rid of it. Unknown, an aromatic herb can also relieve you, and even stimulate your memory.

We use a lot of it in cooking: mint, basil, thyme… But we rarely think of another plant, even though it is beneficial in many ways: Sage ! In your dishes, it brings a lemony note. And it has other virtues, including stimulating digestion and supporting the immune system. It is thanks to the aromatic volatile oils that it contains, like the other members of the mint family of which it is part, recalls Top Health.

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An aromatic herb to combat the effects of menopause

Herbalist Brittany Nickerson explains on the site Eating Well that she often uses sage to prepare infusions when it is flu and cold season to help her immune system resist viruses. The plant is also effective for your intestines : it fights against gas and bloating. But why does it help during menopause?

Pharmacist Franck Dubus explains that sage produces phytoestrogensplant estrogens which can “reduce the drop in estrogen at menopause responsible for hot flashes“. And its benefits don’t stop there. Not only does it stop some of the undesirable effects of menopause but it also acts on memory.

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Other benefits of sage

Studies would indicate that the wise helps fight Alzheimer’s disease because it limits the oxidation of fatty substances in the nervous system, which slows down their deterioration and thereby improves our memory. However, Alzheimer’s is caused by a drop in the level of acetylcholine, a memory neurotransmitter, and sage limits this by “inhibiting the enzyme responsible for its destruction”.

To incorporate sage into your routine, you can add it to your tomato sauce or chop it to put in your pasta dish. You can also infuse your honey with fresh sage leaves inserted in a jar that you keep for 4 to 6 weeks before consumption. Its spongy texture makes it better to eat it cooked or infused. To grow it in your garden, choose a sunny location and protect it while it grows.make your wood”. Its leaves are harvested in summer. To choose your plant, look for medicinal sage rather than clary sage because it is more winter-resistant.

Editor for Aufeminin since 2022, Charlotte is passionate about cinema, French and international, and a fortune reader. Curious about everything, she talks as much about personalities as…


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