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Léa and her students work for Montagnette

It has now been three years since Léa Uguen started her own business, Léa’n Couleurs. She gives drawing and painting lessons in her workshop located in the heart of the village and creates her own jewelry. Very moved by the Montagnette fire in 2022, which saw many hectares of scrubland go up in smoke, she wanted to help with the reforestation of the area.

In less than two months, she convinced all her students to set up a project. “We all wanted to work for biodiversity and the project naturally turned towards the Montagnette, she explains. The idea of ​​creating a work on the theme of the olive tree, which would be sold during the eponymous festival organized in the village, quickly took shape.”

The children worked on the theme The Colorful World of Mr. Olive.

65 students responded. Pastel, pen, watercolor, acrylic, oil… many paintings were sold during the olive tree festival, and a raffle also completed the donations.

Once the funds were collected, a check for €1,335 was presented in the presence of the mayor and elected officials of the commune of Barbentane for the project. “the renaturation of the Montagnette massif”. 110 trees will be replanted in the area. Students and volunteers who wish will be able to participate. Namely that thousands of trees have already been replanted in the massif over the past two years.

Next event, at the end of June, where students will exhibit their work to end the year. Before other projects to come, which are already maturing.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 87 56 18 77.


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