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furikaké to deliciously replace salt

Do you know furikaké? If you sometimes find this aromatic mixture in some Asian grocery stores in general, and Japanese in particular, furikaké is an excellent alternative to consume less salt.

Due to its composition, developed at the beginning of the last century by a Japanese pharmacist, it made it a pleasant accompaniment to white rice, giving it a little extra taste while making up for certain dietary deficiencies. Originally, furikaké was made from crushed fish bones, sesame seeds and seaweed. Fish bones are particularly perfect for filling the lack of calcium.

Today, without fish bones, but still with sesame and seaweed, furikaké allows you to consume less salt. And for that, we already thank him. Because we eat too much salt, this condiment is perhaps the solution before grabbing the salt shaker when a dish arrives at the table.

Natsuko Perromat du Marais is Franco-Japanese. After working for several years with the Alain Ducasse group – and with confinement as a trigger – she decided to create her own furikaké. While most commercial products are often full of ingredients that shouldn’t be there, Natsuko wants her daughters, who love furikaké, to be able to sprinkle this pretty condiment everywhere without danger.

She then surrounded herself with professionals and created her brand, near Nice: Furifuri. With Breton seaweed, Natsuko offers its range of furikaké with lemon, chili, ginger or even “original”, with only sesame and seaweed, Natsuko Perromat du Marais thus offers the general public healthy furikaké, without any additive as well. as different recipes to learn how to use them properly.


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