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The three essentials for living longer and in good health, according to a doctor

Although life expectancy has increased considerably in recent decades, adopting a good lifestyle remains essential to live as long as possible. In good health, it’s obviously much better. Dr Jimmy Mohamed, star of social networks, gave some advice on RTL to achieve this.

Three tips to stay healthy and live longer

Dr Jimmy Mohamed has just released his book “Zero constraints to stay young”. On this occasion, he gave his best advice for staying healthy at the RTL microphone.

The first thing to do is eliminate stress. This is indeed very bad for your health. “Lack of sleep is stressful for the body. Conversely, when you sleep, you have what we call telomerases which are sort of little seamstresses which will come and repair your cells. So aging well simply starts with sleeping well! », Explains the expert.


In addition to sleeping well, you can also relieve stress by doing sports or meditation, for example.

The doctor’s second advice is to have a healthy and balanced diet. Jimmy Mohamed explains that there is always time to get started: “A study shows that if at age 60, you replace ultra-processed products, sugary sodas or junk food with fruits and vegetables, nuts, good oils, lentils, white fish… what we call the Mediterranean diet, you can gain up to 9 years more life expectancy.”

Finally, maintaining a social life is the specialist’s final advice for living longer. Having friends and family contributes greatly to happiness and overall well-being. Having social interactions even reduces the risk of developing degenerative diseases.

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