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Here is the type of bread to limit as much as possible to avoid inflammation

Bread is part of the daily diet for many French people, but some should be avoided because of the flour used to make it, which can trigger inflammation. There are several alternatives however.

According to a relatively recent study whose results were revealed by the Federation of Bakery and Pastry Companies (FEB), approximately 82% of French people admit to eating bread daily. These are ten billion of the traditional and emblematic baguette which are bought every year in France and 12 million people enter a bakery every day to consume, on average, 105 grams of bread, over the same time scale. However, specialists agree that not all bread is good for your health. This is what nutritionists Lisa Richards and Christine Van Doren, among others, as well as dieticians Mary Sabat and Caitlin Carr, would like to point out.

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All four believe that the breads made from refined flours can cause a inflammation in the body. This is linked to their high glycemic index, their low fiber content and the presence of additives and also preservatives. All of these combined factors can cause blood sugar spikes, intestinal health problems and “increased overall inflammation”we stipulate for

Is white bread bad for your health?

According to Lisa Richards, “the white bread commonly used to make sandwiches is the worst form of bread to eat for many reasonsbut especially its inflammatory effects”. These varieties “have undergone a refining process in which fiber and beneficial nutrients are removed and eventually replaced with synthetic versions”, she insists, while confirming that they are also beneficial for weight gain. Worse still, white bread can “damage the gut by causing inflammation and feeding bad bacteria, leading to gut dysbiosis”. This is why she and her counterparts advise us to turn to other breads made from different flours.

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This is the case of sourdough bread which stands out for its more pronounced taste, but recommended as part of better control of weight gain. “The natural fermentation process of sourdough bread breaks down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars, leading to slower digestion and a more gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream”, stipulates Lisa Richards. Sourdough bread generally contains fewer additives and preservatives and, what’s more, it can help “stabilize blood sugar levels”to avoid spikes and drops in blood sugar that can trigger cravings.

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What alternative to white bread?

What’s more, sourdough bread has a “denser texture and more substantial flavor”, “which can promote a feeling of satisfaction and satiety with smaller portions”underlines the nutritionist, urged by her counterpart Christine Van Doren who prefers to recommend the Rye bread for several reasons, especially when you follow a very strict diet in terms of calorie intake. “In general, a slice contains only 65”, she says. Bread made from rye flour “also contains nutrients like selenium, thiamine, manganese, potassium and fiber”, and its consistency allows you to restrict the quantity consumed while avoiding a calorie deficit. Interesting !

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Finally, the wheat bread also represents an alternative to white bread, particularly for its high fiber content according to Caitlin Carr. “Unlike white bread, 100% whole wheat bread is less processed and less refined, so it contains wheat fiber”, she says. And it can also be helpful for weight loss because “Fiber helps us feel fuller for longer” And “can add volume without calories to a meal”, while protecting us from blood sugar spikes, once again.


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