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physical exercise during pregnancy reduces eating disorders in babies

By studying mice, researchers at the University of Cambridge discovered that maternal obesity has an impact on the eating behavior of her offspring. Little ones tend to eat more than others afterwards. However, increased physical activity during pregnancy seems to limit this effect, according to the study published in PLOS Biology on June 4, 2024.

Maternal obesity: it modifies the eating behavior of children

During their work, the scientists discovered that mice born to obese mothers had higher levels of microRNA miR-505-5p in their hypothalamus… from the fetal stage until adulthood. Furthermore, these rodents ate more and showed an increased preference for foods high in fat.

“Cell culture experiments showed that the expression of miR-505-5p could be induced by exposing hypothalamic neurons to long-chain fatty acids and insulin, two elements whose levels are elevated during marked pregnancies. by obesity Researchers identified miR-505-5p as a novel regulator of pathways involved in fatty acid absorption and metabolism., specify the authors in their press release. They suggest that high levels of the microRNA make children’s brains unable to detect when high-fat foods are consumed.

Why is this study in mice interesting for us? This is one of the first studies to demonstrate the existence of a molecular mechanism linking nutritional exposure in utero to dietary behavior in adulthood. Additionally, several of the genes regulated by miR-505-5p have been associated with high body mass index in human genetic studies.

Overeating: physical activity during pregnancy prevents it

The team uncovered another interesting element during this research. The effect of maternal obesity on the level of miR-505-5p and the eating behaviors of the offspring was attenuated if the mothers exercised during pregnancy.

“Our results show that obesity during pregnancy causes changes in babies’ brains that cause them to eat more high-fat foods as adults and are more likely to develop obesity. Importantly, we showed that “moderate exercise, without weight loss, during pregnancies with obesity, prevented changes in the baby’s brain”, explain the authors. They add that their results help to “understand why children of obese mothers are more likely to become obese themselves, with early life exposures, genetics and current environment all being contributing factors.”


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