With the arrival of fall, many people feel a drop in morale. The reduction in light and shorter days disrupt our biological clock and impact our mood. Sarah de Jong, psychologist in Brussels, points out that the drop in serotonin, also called the “happiness hormone”, could be one of the main causes of the famous “autumn blues”.
To counteract this phenomenon, we often recommend implementing simple routines: cooking comforting recipes, participating in creative workshops or even taking advantage of natural light during walks. But a recent Scottish study suggests an even more effective remedy: Cycling every day!
Cycling, an ally of mental health
Researchers from the University of Edinburgh analyzed the lifestyle habits of 380,000 people in Scotland and showed that daily cyclists were 15% less likely to be prescribed medication for depressive or anxiety disorders compared to those using other means of transport. This result can be explained by the combined effect of physical exercise on the body and mind: the effort produced by cycling increases serotonin levels and promotes well-being, while helping to combat anxiety .
Cycling, much more than an antidepressant
In addition to its beneficial effects on mental health, cycling would reduce the risk of chronic diseases. According to a study in the British Medical Journal, people who cycle to work have a 45% lower risk of developing cancer and a 46% lower risk of heart disease. Indeed, this activity stimulates the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation and contributes to bone strength, while being completely ecological.
You no longer have any excuse to get on your bike the next few days and recharge your batteries before winter arrives!
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