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ENERGY DRINKS: A hidden health danger

In recent years, energy drinks have invaded the Malian market, attracting many consumers thanks to aggressive and attractive advertising campaigns. These drinks, which promise an instant energy boost, nevertheless raise concerns about their effects on individuals’ health. It is legitimate to wonder whether marketing authorizations are issued rigorously by the National Food Safety Agency (ANSSA).

Every day, new brands of energy drinks appear on the Malian market. Names such as Vandam, Double Seven, XXL, XL, Force 1 etc. are now well known to consumers. These products are often presented as quick solutions to combat fatigue and improve physical and mental performance. However, behind these tempting promises lie potential health risks.

Energy drinks typically contain caffeine, sugar, vitamins, amino acids (like taurine), and various plant extracts. While some of these components may have short-term beneficial effects, their excessive or regular consumption can lead to health problems.

One of the main risks associated with the consumption of energy drinks is their effect on the cardiovascular system. Caffeine, in particular, can increase blood pressure and heart rate, which can lead to palpitations, arrhythmias, and in extreme cases, heart attacks. These risks are especially high in people with a history of heart problems or increased sensitivity to caffeine.

Excessive consumption of energy drinks can also affect mental health. The stimulating effects of caffeine can cause anxiety, irritability, trouble sleeping, and even panic attacks. Additionally, the mixture of caffeine and sugar can cause significant fluctuations in energy and mood, contributing to a cycle of addiction and binge drinking.

According to MT, a health worker, energy drinks can have detrimental effects on long-term sexual health. The components of these drinks can disrupt metabolism and hormonal levels, which can lead to problems with libido and sexual performance.

A call for vigilance

The proliferation of energy drinks in Mali requires increased vigilance on the part of the competent authorities. It is crucial that ANSSA conducts rigorous studies on these products and strengthens quality controls to protect consumer health. Last week, a Malian influencer on TikTok expressed his dissatisfaction with this situation. On his page, he firmly called on the authorities to take concrete measures to regulate the energy drink market and raise awareness among the population of the risks associated with their consumption.

Faced with the risks posed by energy drinks, it is advisable to favor natural alternatives to increase your energy level. Fresh fruit drinks, herbal teas and a balanced diet are safer and healthier options.

Energy drinks, although popular, pose significant health risks. It is imperative that consumers are well informed of potential dangers and that authorities strengthen regulations to ensure the safety of products on the market. Adopting natural and healthy alternatives is an essential step to preserve your long-term health.

Abdourahmane Doucouré

Source: 223 Info

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