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The Right Way to Eat Eggs for Weight Loss, You’re Probably Wrong

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Eggs are one of the most consumed foods for breakfast, not only because they are easy to prepare, but also because they can be combined with other foods to provide a meal full of energy and of nutrients to start the day.

However, for years it was demonized as a cholesterol-raising food.

The egg is not bad in itself, what is bad is the way it is prepared.

So we share with you the benefits of eggs and the best way to consume them so as not to suffer from cholesterol and have a low calorie content.

The Right Way to Eat Eggs for Weight Loss, You’re Probably Wrong

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The benefits of eating eggs

Eggs are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, including iron; they also contain vitamins B12, A, D and E.

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Due to its multiple properties, the egg is an excellent option to start the day, since its high protein content provides prolonged satiety, promotes muscle growth and encourages weight loss.

Additionally, according to an article from the University of Utah, eggs promote eye health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

The same article highlights that it is also an excellent Source of folic acid, which contributes to the proper development of the brain and spinal cord of fetuses, making it a recommended food for pregnant women.

According to Harvard, the ideal egg intake is seven eggs per week.

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What is the best way to eat eggs for weight loss?

If you want to eat eggs to lose weight, the best way is to cook them in water, whether you opt for the famous hard-boiled eggs, fried eggs cooked in water or poached eggs. This way, you get the protein without the extra calories and fat.

You can eat your boiled eggs on their own, either as a snack, or with a salad or avocado toast.

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Did you know this way to eat eggs to achieve your weight loss goals?

Faced with so much uncertainty about this rich Source of protein present in most homes, we have decided to resolve your doubts, especially for you who are looking to lose weight.

With the right advice, it is possible to enjoy eggs and, at the same time, to lose weight in a healthy and effective way.

Avoid the most common mistakes and make the most of the benefits of this superfood.

Take a balanced, informed approach to incorporating eggs into your diet.

Don’t miss this opportunity to rethink your approach to this nutritional treasure.

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