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What are the mistakes you should not make when eating in summer?

When we think of summer, we often think of “drastic diet” or the famous “summer body”. However, summer should above all rhyme with pleasure and good health. Is not it ? No more diets and the absolute quest for slimness, it is important to adopt a healthy and balanced diet that allows you to take care of your body in the long term.

The pitfalls of the summer season

And inevitably, as summer approaches, there are recurring mistakes that are made in order to obtain this famous perfect silhouette. Vinciane Mbengue, dietitian nutritionist, alerts us to the main mistakes not to make, for the proper functioning of your body, but also to take care of your mind.

It states: “Summer is a time for relaxation and fun, but it’s important to make sure you stay hydrated, treat yourself and listen to your body to maintain a balanced diet and good health.”

Mistakes not to make in summer

To do this, the professional reveals three mistakes to avoid making during the summer.

  • #1 Not drinking enough

In the middle of summer, temperatures rise. It is therefore important not to neglect your hydration: “In the summer, the heat leads to increased sweating, which can quickly dehydrate the body. It is essential to stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day”recalls Vinciane Mbengue.

She adds : “Moisturizing drinks like water, herbal teas, vegetable juices are wise choices.” Drinks to avoid? Sweet and alcoholic products. “These drinks can have the opposite effect and promote dehydration”indicates the professional.

  • #2 Not having fun

Vacations are conducive to rest and relaxation. The idea? Take advantage of this period to also treat yourself and release the pressure of everyday life: “no excessive deprivation and especially no guilt in summer”, recalls Vinciane Mbengue. The nutritionist reminds us: “It’s important to find a balance between healthy food choices and satisfying our cravings. Summer is a season full of delicious fruits and vegetables, to be eaten raw or grilled, barbecued or a la plancha. So, you can vary the sources of pleasure, aperitif, ice cream, sorbet, raw vegetables, grilled meats….”

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  • #3 Not listening to your body

It is obvious that during the holidays, eating habits can be disrupted. Therefore, the nutritionist recommends staying tuned to your feelings of hunger and satiety: “Take time to eat slowly, savoring each bite, and stopping when you feel full. Listening to your body helps you maintain a healthy weight and avoid overeating.”recalls the professional.

You will have understood, summer does not rhyme with “diet” and “dream body”, but much more with “pleasure”, “self-care” and “relaxation”. Thus, we favor a varied, balanced diet and we therefore allow ourselves some pleasures.


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