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this sign is not normal (you need to consult)

Vertical or horizontal, striations on the nails are sometimes pathological.

At first glance, do you think there is anything abnormal about having streaks on your nails? Distrust all the same. Nail ridges appear as lines parallel to the surface of the nail. These can be streaks from bottom to top (vertical) or from one edge of the nail to the other, horizontal. The nail then appears rough and irregular to the touch. Most often, the striations are located on the fingernails, more rarely on those of the toes. Streaks affect both women and men, regardless of age.

Vertical streaks are the most common. “They correspond to small wrinkles that appear over time, in the same way as wrinkles on the face. These streaks are wavy from the bottom of the nail to the tip and are very regular. They simply reflect natural aging of the nail matrix”, informs Dr. Marc Perrussel, dermatologist and venereologist. Certain factors can also promote their appearance such as contact with household products, the application of varnish or false nails or even prolonged contact with water. Horizontal striations result from trauma to the nail matrix. “For example, following a blow, the nail will suffer a small depression which will disrupt its growth., illustrates the specialist. As a general rule, the nail is an extremely important skin element since it can reflect numerous anomalies through its appearance. “For example, wavy streaks that alternate between white streaks and longitudinal red streaks reveal a genetic disorder called Darier disease. The streaks are often accompanied by detachment (onycholysis) and thickening of the nail. Thisduring’Onycholysis can also be due to an inflammatory disease or the use of certain medications. Streaks punctuated like thimbles are typical of psoriasis.develops the dermatologist.

Nail analysis is an important element in making the diagnosis of a much more general disease. In case of strange abnormalities on the nail, it is important to consult a dermatologist. “Two elements are involved in affecting the nail: an aesthetic side and a medical side because the nail can reflect a rheumatological disease such as psoriatic arthritis, the nail being a hinge between the joints and the skin. More rarely , certain nail abnormalities may reflect a cancerous disease which leads to a deterioration in the quality of the nail.details Dr Marc Perrussel.

If the streaks are linked to the natural aging of the nail, there is not much you can do. The same in case of trauma, you have to wait for it to pass. “A nail grows 1.5mm per month, so total renewal can take 4 to 6 months,” specifies our interlocutor. As for other diseases which reflect an inflammatory reaction, it is imperative to consult. And this “When an anomaly appears recently, persistently and without improvement after a month, it is necessary to seek the advice of a dermatologist.concludes Dr. Marc Perrussel.


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