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This solar water rated 100/100 on Yuka promises long-lasting protection with tanning accelerator

When the time has come to expose yourself to the sun to get the tan you dream of during the winter, it is also important to have good quality sunscreen products with natural protection. Indeed, the use of certain sun protectants that are not natural can cause skin rashes upon contact with the sun. For this, it is therefore essential to choose your products carefully to be able to tan quietly and serenely. And among these products, there are many kinds. Although we all know about sunscreen, in reality, it is not the only one that is effective.. Other products, which adapt to different skin types and different uses, are also available on the market. We invite you to discover one of them.

What is solar water?

We’ve all already applied sunscreen to go out in the sun by the pool or on the beach. But often, itWhat it is criticized for is that it is too greasy and leaves white marks.. For this, experts have developed other products which contain, like the cream, sun protection but in a different consistency. Among these new products, we find milk, oil but also the stick. However, it is solar water which we are going to talk to you about today. It is then a sunscreen that uses a water-based formulation rather than oil or cream based as is traditionally the case. What we like about this texture is that it is much lighter, less oily on the skin and that it is above all more comfortable to wear when it’s hot.

Garancia solar water contains a tanning accelerator

While one might think that sunscreen does not rhyme with a tan, that is not true. Indeed, it is even essential to properly protect your skin to have a long-lasting, quality tan. And yes, if you get a sunburn because you didn’t protect yourself, in the best case scenario, you will peel and your hopes of being tanned, with it. To avoid this, it is important to find a sun protection which provides you with very high protection against UVA and UVB raysmainly responsible for the famous sunburns.

And that’s the brand Garancia which offers a solar water capable of providing broad spectrum protection against the sun’s rays and for the whole family. This protection is also reinforced by four organic UV filters, anti-oxidant plant protectants with anti-blue light properties. They will fight against the degradation of elastin and skin aging. But that’s not all, since this solar water is also enriched with a active tanning accelerator and extender for luminous and healthy skin. In addition, unlike the sun creams we know, this sun water leaves a invisible veil, non-greasy and non-sticky, without white effect during application.

The Yuka application gives it a score of 100/100

As with all cosmetic products, we are increasingly looking for natural formulas and who are environmentally friendly. For this, the Garancia brand maintains that its solar water is not formulated using filters prohibited in certain international areas and which do not contain no endocrine disruptors. In addition, its bottle contains at least 78% recycled materials and its packaging is not made of cardboard. Its formula is also not composed of silicone or alcoholthis is surely why this solar water is so well rated on Yuka.


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