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In Rennes, an award-winning researcher for her thesis on exposure to chemical contaminants

After six years of research, Jade Chaker, 28 years old, postdoctoral student, has just been rewarded with a first thesis prize from the Rennes School of Chemistry – René Dabard. Focusing on the assessment of human exposure to chemical contaminants present in our environment, his thesis develops new working methods. “I sought to optimize three areas: sample preparation and analysis, data processing and annotation which links the ion to its chemical identity”explains the researcher.

Discover new chemical contaminants

“The objective is to discover new chemical contaminants which may be present in cosmetic or cleaning products. We take a sample and look at everything that’s in it. » However, she wants to reassure. “Just because something is present doesn’t necessarily mean it’s dangerous. »

After the Rennes National School of Chemistry (ENSCR), this scientist specializing in analytical and environmental chemistry responded to this thesis call. “At that time, non-targeted methods, that is to say for a large sample, were just beginning to develop. »

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Prevent Alzheimer’s

Completed in 2022, his thesis will not be rewarded until the summer of 2023. Initially scheduled for November, the award ceremony was postponed several times. It was finally only Wednesday May 29, 2024 that she received it. In the meantime, she got involved in the Églantine “adventure”. Launched in 2021 by Cécilia Samieri and Arthur David, this project aims “to understand the link between chemical exposure and brain aging”.

It is based on the analysis of 736 samples from people over 65 years old, some dating from 1999. This allows us to obtain a vision over more than 20 years. “This could help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s. » Jade Chaker takes care of the chemical analysis: “I receive the samples, clean them, analyze them and do quality control. »

Jade Chaker plans to go abroad in the coming years. She concludes with a smile: “In my field, there is still work for decades. »


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