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9 out of 10 cervical cancers can be avoided or treated early: “getting screened saves us”

Strong mobilization in the department

Supported by the Cancer Screening Coordination Center (CRCDC) of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and its partners, “Green June” is, on the same principle as Pink October, an opportunity to highlight the importance of screening, intended for women aged 25 to 65. “Even vaccinated, screening is important. There is no shortage of preconceived ideas. We must fight against all this to preserve the health of all women. This cancer does not only affect those with an active sexual life,” explains Marie Trivaux, midwife, coordinator responsible for organized cervical cancer screening at the CRCDC-NA.

Public health recommends a coverage rate of 70%, at all ages

In Charente, the screening participation rate for the 2019-2021 campaign stands at 60.8%, compared to 62.8% in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. In 2023, only 44% of women invited took the cervico-uterine sample. Among women over 50, the figures drop significantly, not reaching 50%. To achieve the public health objective, health professionals recommend a coverage rate of 70%, at all ages, recalling that in 9 out of 10 cases, these cancers can be avoided or treated early if they are detected early.

Where to make an appointment?

In the departement, the CPTS Ouest Angoumois (group of health professionals) partnered with the CRCDC-NA, the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie, the League against Cancer and the Soyaux clinic. An unprecedented action, to encourage women who are far away or out of care, without gynecological follow-up, to carry out these tests. The La Couronne health center, the Barbezieux multidisciplinary health center and the Linars office then opened 48 dedicated consultation slots. This action is set to expand to the local perinatal center at CH Sud Charente, which offers 28 other slots, until the end of June.


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