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This slimming secret hidden in your pizzas boosts your weight loss

As summer approaches and the eternal return of the pressure of the “bikini body”, are you looking for the little slimming secret that could lower the number on the scale without lifting a finger? First of all, we remind you that weight loss must begin with an appointment with the doctor so as not to take any risks for your health, but also to guide you towards healthy and effective weight loss.

This being noted, we share with you a tip, but above all an ingredient that could help you. Basil, this delicious ingredient often found on our pizzas, could well be the slimming ally you’ve been waiting for. Appreciated for its unique aroma, basil is also recognized for its many benefits, particularly in the context of weight loss.

Basil: an herb with multiple virtues

Originally from India and belonging to the Lamiaceae family, basil is used for centuries in cooking and traditional medicine. Its green and oval leaves, as well as its small white or purple flowers, are not only aesthetic but also beneficial for health.

The slimming superpowers of basil

Excellent digestion!

Basil is packed with vitamins A, C and K, not to mention minerals like calcium and magnesium. This magical combo promotes impeccable digestion and chases away bloating. By boosting your digestive enzymes, it helps to better assimilate fats and say goodbye to intestinal gas. Result: a flat and happy stomach!

Natural fat burner

Don’t be fooled by its small size! With only 30.70 kcal per 100 grams, basil is a real dynamo. Its diuretic and detoxifying properties work wonders to eliminate toxins and reduce water retention. Plus, it turbocharges your metabolism to burn fat more efficiently.

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory shield

Basil is also a champion of antioxidants, particularly thanks to its flavonoids. These little warriors protect your cells from oxidative damage. Its anti-inflammatory powers reduce chronic inflammation, often linked to weight gain and various health concerns. In short, basil is your ultimate health ally!

Integrate basil into your slimming diet in a fun way!

Magical herbal tea

Want a drink that feels good? Prepare yourself some basil herbal tea! Let a few leaves steep in hot water for 10 minutes. Enjoy this infusion after meals to facilitate digestion and say goodbye to bloating. It’s like a hug for your belly!

Boosted salads

Give your salads a boost by adding fresh basil. Imagine a crunchy salad with juicy tomatoes, refreshing cucumber and creamy avocado, all topped off with basil. A real detoxifying treat and refreshing that will amaze your taste buds and your figure!

Pesto galore

Pesto is life! Make a homemade pesto sauce with basil leaves, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil and parmesan. This delicious preparation can transform any vegetable or wholemeal pasta dish into a real culinary feast. And hop, a little basil, and everything becomes magical!

Be careful, even if basil is a real little miracle of nature, it must still be consumed wisely. Don’t go for an overdose of basil! Basil essential oils, for example, are ultra-concentrated and require careful use. It is better to seek the advice of a health professional before venturing into it, so as not to act like a sorcerer’s apprentice.


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