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Ticks are back, here’s how to protect yourself from them

It is the very unexpected return of a little creature which we do not particularly like. No, these are not the dreaded bedbugs that we want to talk to you about, but ticks. It is at the end of spring that these little creatures become particularly active, with a particularity this year: the tick Hyalomma marginatumcarrier of the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic virus, which was spotted in France, particularly in the South and Corsica.

Stay alert for symptoms

If to date, no case of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic virus has been detected, at the dawn of the start of summer timePublic Health France still warns of the need to remain vigilant. Among the symptoms of this virus, we find fever, chills, digestive problems and uncontrolled bleeding in the most serious cases.

Some measures to take to protect yourself

Generally, ticks live in nature, in pastures, orchards or even hiking trails. In the event of exposure or walking in this type of place, the High Health Authority recommends wearing clothing covering arms and legs and closed shoes. It is necessary inspect his body and that of his children to check that no ticks are present, and remove it quickly using a tick remover if it has actually bitten. If symptoms appear within fifteen days following, consult a doctor.


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