DayFR Euro

The health of the Mahorais is deteriorating

The Aedes mosquito continues to wreak havoc

Distribution of dengue cases by week of onset of signs according to imported or locally acquired status, in Mayotte, from week 1 to week 20 of the year 2024

While the circulation of dengue fever had slowed significantly three weeks ago, the territory is once again facing a peak in the circulation of the virus, where ten cases were confirmed from May 13 to 19, 2024, including 9 acquired locally. With the exception of two cases, all of the indigenous cases resided in Petite-Terre. At the end of April, the ARS recommended that the population actively protect themselves against mosquito bites and fight against larval breeding sites, by “ hermetically covering its water reserves (barrels, cans, buckets, watering cans, etc.)”, in “ picking up its waste or objects which could become resting places for adult mosquitoes (tires, toys, boxes, etc.)” and “ regularly emptying anything that might hold small amounts of water (plant cups, etc.). »

Rats are gaining ground

In Mayotte, rats are the vectors of the bacteria causing leptospirosis, which can be transmitted to humans via rat urine, directly or indirectly, by contact with contaminated soil or water.

Santé Publique France has warned of an increase in cases of leptospirosis in Mayotte. 123 cases have been confirmed between January 1 and May 19. Among these cases, one patient died. Currently, the year 2024 already has more than double the number of cases of leptospirosis compared to the year 2023, when 57 cases were recorded.

To avoid being contaminated, health authorities recommend not walking barefoot or in open shoes in environments wet or muddy, such as muddy ground, puddles, stagnant water, and to combat the presence of waste, which is particularly conducive to the proliferation of rats.

Gastro resistant

Evolution of the percentage of ORS sales for reporting pharmacies, in Mayotte from week 21 of 2023 to week 20 of 2024

Pharmacies on the island reported to Public Health France that they sold significantly more anti-diarrheal medications and oral rehydration solutions (ORS) than in previous years. Furthermore, laboratories have noted an increase in the detection of pathogenic bacteria in gastroenteric samples.

Worrying coughs

At the Jacaranda center, vaccinations continue to be carried out at a high level

In Mayotte, epidemiologists also noted that whooping cough was on the rise. 27 cases of whooping cough were detected since the beginning of the year against 16 for the entire the year 2023, representing an increase of 69% for the first half of 2024. Prevention against this disease is mainly based on vaccination.

While viral and bacterial infections are on the rise, the question of medical and paramedical staffing will arise again, if these figures continue to rise, a few weeks before the school holidays and the departure of many caregivers.

Mathilde Hangard


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