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The best way to eat pasta to stay in shape

Whether you want to lose weight or simply stay in shape, you need to eat a varied diet and practice regular physical activity to achieve this. Deviations are of course allowed from time to time to avoid frustration: it is important to know how to have fun. Although starchy foods are often demonized, you just need to consume them in reasonable quantities.

Eating pasta this way would help prevent blood sugar spikes

If you want a good pasta dish, you shouldn’t deprive yourself. The problem with starchy foods is that they will spike your blood sugar levels. Once it goes down after a few hours, your body will want sugar, which will undoubtedly cause cravings, which are the enemy of weight loss.

To prevent blood sugar from rising sharply, you just need to eat your pasta differently. We should favor those with a certain type of sugar: resistant starch.


“Resistant starch is a particular form of starch that escapes digestion in the small intestine, arriving intact in the colon,” explains Dr. Julien Scanzi, gastroenterologist. This starch is digested a bit like fiber: it is not broken down into sugar and is therefore less caloric than classic starch. In addition, it regulates blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of other carbohydrates, keeps you full longer and has a positive impact on many diseases (especially cardiovascular).

If it is found naturally in unripe bananas and legumes (beans, lentils, etc.), it is also found in cold pasta. Classic starch has the ability to transform into resistant starch as the pasta cools.

You know what you have left to do !

The ingredient to add to the pasta so that it does not stick


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