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Endocrine disruptors, everything we don’t tell you • The Meerkat

Titre : Endocrine disruptors: everything we don’t tell you
Author: Corinne Lalo
Editions : Le Cherche noon
Collections : Documents
Publication date: September 26, 2024
Genre : Essay

New revised and expanded edition of Major hormonal disorder, popular scientific work published in 2021 and written by Corinne Lalo, investigative journalist specializing in the fields of environment and health.

Hormonal toxicants, homonotoxicants, hormonal polluters… they are currently better known under the name of endocrine disruptors. And the reality is clear: we find them everywhere. For what ? Because since the end of the Second World War, the chemical industry has released into the environment more than 150,000 chemical substances capable of imitating hormones and disrupting, at the same time, the delicate balance of all organisms. Their names? Corinne Lalo names them 6P (6 poisons): pesticides, pharmaceuticals, plasticizers, parabens, polybrominated and perfluorinated. Their misdeeds? Disorders at all levels: cancers, infertility, malformations, new diseases, increased incidence of autism, diabetes, obesity, thyroid disorders, etc.

Like Rachel Carson whose cult book Silent Spring had the effect of a bomb in the 1960s by denouncing the ravages of aerial spraying of pesticides on living things, Corinne Lalo, co-author of black book of medicine et take care of yourself from A to Z without medication, takes up the torch and decides to attack in detail all the causes of the great disruption with the aim of reducing our pollution load.

Worrying phenomena on the rise

Supported by numerous scientific articles and explanatory diagrams as well as boxes and summaries at the end of the chapter, it sounds the alarm on all the chemical dangers that surround us. Over the course of 600 pages, we become aware of different phenomena such as the growing presence of microplastics in the blood, the growing infertility caused by chemical intrusions, the presence of pollutants in the umbilical cord, the deleterious effects of PFAS… As it says Corinne Lalo, the time has come for the decoynotably because of the numerous lobbies which thrive in Brussels. But don’t be discouraged. At the end of the book, she offers different avenues for slaloming 24 hours between hormone toxicants. Kitchen, bathroom and bedroom are examined with a scalpel to detect all parasites.

You will have understood, the new edition of Major hormonal disorder is not really the most encouraging but it has the great merit of offering us much-needed insight into all the hormonal polluters that surround us while providing us with very useful advice to protect ourselves from them.


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