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Pink October: a chocolatier creates a topless bust to challenge and raise awareness among passers-by in

85 traders from the mon commerce association are mobilizing alongside the Bergonié Foundation as part of Pink October. They have been participating in a joint action since October 7 with several messages adapted to each business to raise awareness of breast cancer screening and encourage people to make a donation.

Some display for the occasion in their window a mannequin with a bare bust accompanied by messages, such as “Breast cancer is always in fashion. Get tested.” One of them did even better to appeal to his customers and passers-by. This is the chocolatier Luc Dorin based in the Saint-Augustin district in Bordeaux. And obviously his bust is a little special: “It’s all made of chocolate because for me, it’s much more meaningful for my profession. It’s 50 centimeters high and it took me 14 kilos of chocolate. That represents 140 bars (smiles). It’s chocolate from Cameroon with 68% cocoa.”

A raffle to win it?

Luc Dorin explains having had “lots of feedback on social networks but also customers who stop, look and come to congratulate me”. His bust is accompanied by a large pink sticker like in all the shops in the city with this message: “Against cancer, chocolates are not enough.”

For the moment, he is thinking with Bordeaux mon commerce about how to sell this chocolate bust for the benefit of the Bergonié Foundation. He could do it through a raffle. Merchants are also offering their customers the opportunity to round up their payments to support research and are selling tote bags created by Bordeaux artist Mister Naturalist (5 euros) until the end of the month.



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