DayFR Euro

Launch of the flu – Covid vaccination: “People are somewhat fed up with the Covid vaccination”

Two campaigns in one. Like last winter, the seasonal flu vaccination campaign is launched on the same day – this Tuesday, October 15 – as that against Covid in order to better protect people at risk: pregnant women, people aged 65 and over or people suffering from chronic illnesses.

The two vaccines can be done at the same time – an injection in each arm – at your doctor or in your pharmacy with the Health Insurance voucher. At the Sonzogni pharmacy in Vandoeuvre-lès-, appointments are not rushing for anti-Covid vaccination. “A few” confides Pauline Trompette, assistant pharmacist, “but not as much as we imagined.”

The forecasts? Three vials per day, 7 doses of vaccine each, or 21 injections. The reality at the moment? No more than one vial daily, i.e. 7 injections which will be combined with the flu vaccination.

Flu vaccines (blue boxes) and anti-Covid vaccines stored in the refrigerator © Radio
Isabelle Baudriller

“People are somewhat fed up with Covid vaccination, they believe in it a little less than before”continues the pharmacist. “On the other hand, for the flu, everyone is waiting because everyone has received their voucher”adds Alain Sonzogni. “Covid, we need to talk about it so that people think about getting revaccinated. You absolutely need to get Covid boosters, it’s super important for yourself and especially for those around you, for the elderly. It continues to do damage.”


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