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What do people die of today in ?

Cancer is the main cause of death in , with around 170,000 deaths in 2022. © Freepik

In 2020 and 2021, France recorded more than 668,800 and 660,168 deaths respectively. In 2022, this figure rose to 673,190, despite the absence of a peak linked to Covid-19.

According to Santé Publique France, deaths linked to major causes such as cancers (such as skin cancer) and cardiovascular diseases had decreased during the pandemic, mainly thanks to health measures. Part of the explanation for the increase in 2022 would be a return to usual trends, with an increase in respiratory illnesses and domestic accidents, as well as the aging of the population.

Mortality in France remains dominated by two main categories of diseases, well known for their impact on public health:

  1. Cancers (25.5% of deaths):
    Cancer remains the leading cause of death in France, with around 170,000 deaths in 2022. The deadliest tumors are those of the lung, prostate and pancreas. Although overall cancer mortality is decreasing, it tends to stabilize among women.
  2. Maladies cardio-neurovasculaires (20.8% of deaths):
    Heart attacks, strokes and heart failure are the second leading cause of death, mainly affecting the elderly, particularly those over 85. A slight increase in these deaths was also observed among women in 2022.
  3. Respiratory diseases (6.7% of deaths):
    The third cause of death in 2022 is linked to diseases of the respiratory system, excluding Covid-19. The increase in deaths in this category is mainly explained by two major influenza epidemics and the circulation of other respiratory viruses, which particularly affect the elderly.

Deaths linked to Covid-19, which were an important cause, decreased in 2022. On the other hand, deaths caused by external factors, such as accidents, increased.

Covid-19 (5th cause of death):
Covid-19, or coronavirus, occupied a major place in mortality statistics between 2020 and 2021. However, its impact decreased significantly in 2022, and in part thanks to broad vaccination coverage as well as collective immunity.

Accidents (6.7% of deaths):
Falls, domestic accidents and those linked to transport caused, in 2022, no less than 44,800 deaths. People aged over 85 are particularly affected, especially when it comes to domestic accidents in this age group.

The number of fatal accidents also includes other external causes such as suicides and homicides. They are the second cause of death in people under 65, just after tumors.


The adjusted mortality rate remained stable in 2022 at 886.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, but it is higher than expected if the decline from 2015-2019 had continued. This rate has increased significantly among people aged 85 and over.


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