DayFR Euro

Respiratory viruses: start of the vaccination campaign this week

If the fall vaccination campaign began last week for the most vulnerable, it is from Wednesday that seasonal vaccines against respiratory viruses will be available for the entire population in Quebec.

From October 16, it will therefore be possible to make an appointment on Clic Santé to be vaccinated free of charge at local service points, CLSCs or community pharmacies.

The general director of the Quebec Association of Pharmacy Distributors, Hugues Mousseau, recalled that this is “a double campaign” since vaccines against the flu, but also against COVID-19 will be available.

“What we want to do for people who want it is really to obtain the two injections to be able, in a few minutes, to be well protected against the two diseases,” he explained in interview at Quebec MorningMonday.

Nearly 2 million doses of influenza and COVID vaccines, but also a few other vaccines, against pneumococcus and even shingles, are offered, said Mr. Mousseau.

Appointments can be made on Clic Santé or by telephone at 1 877 644 4545.

See the full interview above.


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