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Consuming this fruit every day makes you smarter according to science

Berries, kale, avocado, chia seeds, turmeric, nuts, maca… Superfoods are far from new. They have even been consumed for several centuries. However, they are creating more buzz than ever with the rise of trends around well-being, preventive health and conscious nutrition. Marketing has also played a key role in their popularity.

Among them, a small fruit stands out for its tempting promises: the blueberry. Some claim that consuming it every day could even make us smarter. What is it really?

On the same subject, here are the foods to favor to keep your brain healthy and reduce stress, according to Harvard University:

The Science Behind Blueberries

Blueberries are often referred to as a “superfood” because of their high concentration of beneficial nutrients. Rich in antioxidants, more precisely in anthocyanins, they have a direct impact on brain health. Antioxidants protect brain cells against oxidative damage, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s or dementia.

In addition, some studies show that regular consumption of blueberries could improve cognitive functions, including memory and learning. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry demonstrated that elderly people who consumed blueberries for several weeks saw an improvement in their short-term memory. The flavonoids in this fruit also promote better blood circulation to the brain, improving its overall function.

Smarter, really?

The term “intelligence” is obviously broad. What we mean here is rather the improvement of cognitive functions such as memory, concentration and the speed of processing information. In this sense, blueberries can actually play a role. However, no study clearly shows that they alone can transform an individual into a genius. That would be too simple. On the other hand, when consumed regularly as part of a balanced diet, they help maintain a healthy brain, which has a positive effect on cognitive performance over time.

How to consume them?

Good news, blueberries are undoubtedly one of the easiest ingredients to integrate into your daily diet. During their peak season, from June to September, we take the opportunity to eat them fresh. Out of season, we prefer to eat them frozen to preserve their nutrients (and minimize damage to the environment). At breakfast, add a handful of blueberries to your bowl of yogurt, porridge or smoothie for a morning boost. They are also ideal for a light, low-calorie snack. We calm hunger while nourishing our brain.

At lunchtime, they can be eaten in salad by combining them with spinach, nuts and fresh cheese for an original salad full of flavors. For dessert, they are used in tarts, crumbles or muffins. They also go perfectly with recipes based on lemon, almonds or cinnamon. Finally, certain herbal teas made from blueberries or extracts of their leaves also allow you to benefit from the benefits of this fruit, especially in winter. We obviously favor organic blueberries to avoid pesticide residues. The key remains regular and moderate consumption, integrated into a healthy and varied diet.


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