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These household products are dangerous for your health, according to 60 million consumers

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Modern times are distinguished by technological advances and improved sanitary conditions. We grant great importance to cleanliness and this has promoted our health. 60 Million consumers also noticed it.

The magazine was then particularly interested in household productss that we use every day. Concerned about consumer well-being, he even launched a study. So here are the results.

60 Million consumers alert

The 60 Millions de consommateurs magazine exists to share good deals but also to issue alerts. When he believes that a product deserves customers to know its benefits, he does not hesitate to recommend. But otherwise, it launches an alert and shouts mistrust.

Cleanliness is a value to which many consumers are attached. Moreover, the health measures have proven themselves, for example with the fight against the Coronavirus. However, are all household cleaning products worth it?

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To answer this, 60 Million Consumers has brought together a whole range of products. He tried to group together all kinds of cleaners. In total, he obtained 77 products. These vary between sprays, wipes, disinfectant lotions and antibacterial gels.

The magazine looked into these cleaners and made a rather destabilizing observation. Indeed, on the 77 products studiedmore than half belong to the “avoid” category.

Products used every day

The results that 60 Million Consumers released turn out to be confusing. Indeed, by cleaning our home, we think improve our environment. At the same time, we hope to contribute to our health and well-being.

Unfortunately, these same products that we use, instead of helping us, harm us. We are then entitled to ask ourselves how can this be possible? 60 Million consumers discredits products intended to sanitize.

However, if the magazine relegated them to this not very attractive category, there is a reason. In fact, studies have revealed the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). 60 Million Consumers lists, for example, limonene in certain household cleaners.

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If the magazine notes it in particular, it is because it is an allergenic and irritating component. Beyond this annoying aspect, these household products can also contain toxic substances. For example, benzene belongs to the carcinogen category. However, cleaning products contain it.

60 Million Consumers Protect

By launching this type of alert, 60 Million Consumers intends to protect customers. Indeed, he wants to make it known that products that we think are beneficial lead to unthinkable consequences. Sometimes it involves famous products like La , Fébrèze or even Sanytol.

Consumer health remains a top priority for 60 million consumers. That’s why he didn’t go by the back of the spoon to alert consumers. The magazine has compiled a list in its pages. It lists the most acceptable cleaners according to a well-explained scale.

He also recommends reading the label to see if you support all the components. THE people with asthma and allergiess must be particularly vigilant. They are the people most vulnerable to the side effects of household products.

To limit all risks, 60 Million Consumers recommends return to natural. This means that it favors the use of vinegar and bicarbonate for example.


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