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Breast cancer screening: organizing and raising awareness, the role of the CRCDC

Every year, the month of October is dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer screening. Since 2004, all women aged 50 to 74 have been invited, every two years, to have a screening mammogram and a 100% covered clinical examination. This organized screening aims to reduce the mortality rate associated with breast cancer. Indeed, if detected at an early stage, this cancer has a 90% chance of survival.

Organized screening

In each region, the CRCDCs coordinate this screening and ensure patient follow-up. “All the files come back to us. Thus, when a mammogram shows a suspicious image, we ensure that the additional examinations or the necessary close follow-up are carried out in the radiology departments and if cancer is diagnosed from its management until the first treatment, explains Agnès Bernoux, coordinating doctor at CRCDC Île-de-. We also carry out a second reading of each file declared normal, in order to improve the effectiveness of this screening. Today 5% of cancers detected are detected thanks to the second reading. »

In 2020-2021, 4,713 cancers were diagnosed via screening organized in Île-de-France, or 7.6 cancers per 1,000 women screened.

In 2023, 328,708 women in the Ile-de-France region underwent a mammogram as part of organized breast cancer screening, representing a participation rate of 36.4%, below the national average. Figures to which must be added those of individual screening of many women who turn to their usual caregivers. “There are large disparities depending on the departments, for example in , where the radiology offer is significant, the use of organized screening is less important. Nevertheless, increasing the participation rate remains a challenge for us. Too many women are still diagnosed too late. »

Awareness and information

To inform women of the importance of screening and in particular to mobilize those who are furthest from the healthcare system, the CRDCD is increasing awareness-raising actions. “We work with associations, communities, radiology centers, throughout the year, to encourage women to get screened. »

Naturally, these actions intensify on the occasion of Pink October. 156 actions are organized throughout the region, including numerous screening days, notably with the Mammo solidarity truck. “This truck is equipped with mammography equipment. Radiologists and technicians can perform on-site examinations on women we have previously targeted, who have not had a mammogram for at least 3 years. We are thus seeking to catch up with the screening of women who are furthest away from it. »

Discover the places where the Mammo solidarity truck passes


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