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CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH: Caffeine, a must for the endothelium

Vascular diseases, damage to blood vessels and their consequences, including heart attack or heart attack, and stroke, are among the main causes of death in the general population. Particularly in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, these risks are even much higher. This increase in risk is due to both the diseases and some of their treatments, including cortisone derivatives.

Until now, doctors’ recommendations for reducing this vascular risk have mainly consisted of avoiding risk factors, reducing cortisone medications, avoiding smoking, lowering cholesterol and controlling high blood pressure. arterial.

Regular caffeine consumption promotes heart health

It was already known that a diet rich in vitamin D (present in fatty fish and eggs) and in vitamine A (present in many fruits) and polyunsaturated fatty acidsand low sodium may play a role in decreasing inflammation. There caffeinetoo, has been the subject of research, on these same benefits, because it also exerts an anti-inflammatory effect by binding to receptors expressed on the surface of immune cells. However, previous research on the subject has produced conflicting results.

The studyconducted on 31 lupus patients free of cardiovascular risk factors, suggests that consuming caffeine-rich drinks helps strengthen endothelial health. After a week, the researchers took blood from the patients to measure the health of the blood vessels. The analysis confirms that:

  • Participants who consumed caffeine had better vascular health, measured by the condition of endothelial cells, which form the important inner layer of blood vessels.

More broadly, this study provides an example of how diet can play a considerable role in disease control.

A longitudinal study is planned to clarify the impact of coffee consumption specifically on vascular health.


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