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Can you eat pineapple during pregnancy?

Pineapple has several benefits during pregnancy. Explanations from Dr. Faïza Bossy, nutritionist.

Muriel Kaiser

Written on 10/10/2024

Balanced diet: what you need to know to eat healthily —
Hello Doctors – Newen Digital

If you are pregnant, you find yourself faced with a whole bunch of recommendations. Among them, numerous nutritional advice, with a list of foods to favor or ban during your pregnancy.

Is pineapple one of the fruits that you should deprive yourself of during pregnancy? No, according to Dr. Faïza Bossy, nutritionist. On the contrary, “consumed in moderate quantities, in a diversified diet”pineapple turns out to be quite beneficial.

Also read: Can you eat sushi when you are pregnant?

Pineapple, rich in vitamin C

“Pineapple is a good source of vitamin C”, explains Dr. “This helps strengthen the immune system and promotes iron absorption”.

“But during pregnancy, iron is an extremely important element. It helps prevent anemia and also promotes the supply of oxygen to the fetus”she continues.

This is why iron needs increase during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters. “But for iron to be well absorbed, it needs vitamin C. Pineapple is therefore interesting because it provides this vitamin.”

Acidity, canker sores… the inconveniences of pineapple

Despite these health benefits, side effects are possible. First of all, pineapple is rich in bromelain. “In large quantities, this enzyme could stimulate uterine contractions, according to certain studies”explains Dr. Faïza Bossy.

“But bromelain is mainly contained in the stem. You would have to consume a very high quantity of pineapple for this to have an effect”tempers the specialist.

Also pay attention to the acidity of certain pineapples, which “can cause mouth ulcers and heartburn in some pregnant women. Choose a sweet, mild pineapple”advises the specialist. Finally, if you tend to suffer from gastric reflux, gastric ulcers or canker sores, avoid consuming pineapple.


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