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This star sign can get sick in October (it is prone to fall viruses)

Fall is the season when you can get sick quickly. Colds, viruses of all kinds, gastroenteritis… One star sign is more prone to these illnesses than others.

The fall season is very popular for its cocooning side. It’s time to take out your stylish but comfortable clothes, but it’s also the time to curl up in a blanket on a rainy afternoon and watch a series, like this one on Netflix, which is a huge success. Fall is also a season that is very popular because it brings new and desirable fashion trends. Despite all these positive points, it is also that of the viruses that circulate…

Indeed, the coming cold, but also the shrinking days, put the immune system to the test. This is also why we often recommend taking a vitamin cure or a royal jelly cure during this period. The goal? Strengthen your immune defenses. In addition to these possible cures, know that having a good immune system also requires a varied, balanced diet rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, B vitamins, iron, selenium and zinc. Also take care of your sleep and try to manage your stress as best as possible because these two factors can have an impact on your immune system. In October, an astrological sign is particularly prone to its little autumn ailments.

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This astro sign has fragile health in autumn

Not everyone is equal in terms of immunity: it depends a lot on your lifestyle and habits. This month of October is not the best for a particular sign, which may have fragile health. Flu, cold… He can catch everything more easily. This is Taurus. Indeed, the sign of Taurus is more prone to getting sick. He needs to start taking care of his health seriously, because for a few months now he can be more tired.

Mercury in Libra may have awakened some health problems, but Taurus does not let this get him down. He must persevere by adopting good habits: he exercises more, he eats better, he tries to manage his stress… However, the second decan can feel more stress than the others and easily lets himself be defeated. But he must remain positive. We advise him to adopt a cautious attitude if he wants to do high-intensity sport because he may be a little too fragile at the moment. He could turn to gentle sports like Pilates or yoga for example. He must remain patient, the situation will evolve!

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This other star sign can quickly get sick in October

Taurus is not in top form. However, it is not the only one to be susceptible to fall viruses. Indeed, this is also the case for Aquarius. The air sign must be careful with their health. Indeed, it is subject to infections, or even fevers. The second decan must take care of himself a little and this is good because Saturn could help him find the desire and the courage to do so. If you are born in Aquarius and the third decan, you may have some nightmares or have some problems sleeping, which can make you irritable during the day. Lack of sleep also contributes to weakening your immune system.

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Thus, Aquarius must take the time to rest to recharge the batteries. We advise him to go to bed earlier, but also to get back into sport, gentle practices like Pilates for example. Aquarius must listen to their body and be attentive to its needs.

Fashion, Lifestyle, Astro Journalist

Maude deciphers all the new fashion trends, whether on social networks or on the catwalks. She takes pleasure in selecting the new nuggets to obtain, the…


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